Our core values at Kappa Kappa Psi Nu Zeta are the guiding principles that drive everything we do. We are committed to bringing our passion for music and service together to make a difference.
Our organization is focused on building connections, fostering leadership, and providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. We encourage and support each other in our music journey and strive to make a positive impact on the world around us. At Kappa Kappa Psi Nu Zeta, our values shape who we are and what we stand for.
We, the brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi, believe that service to the college or university band program fosters responsibility, loyalty, and leadership; that a spirit of brotherhood is enhanced by the participation in a band program; that music is a universal language and truly the greatest of the arts; and that through fraternal participation, each member will strive for the highest.
Purposes of Kappa Kappa Psi
Be it known that Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Fraternity for College Bandmembers, is an organization operating exclusively in the field of the college and university bands, and for the following several purposes:
(1) To promote the existence and welfare of the college and university bands and to cultivate at large a wholesome respect for their activities and achievements.
(2) To honor outstanding bandmembers through privilege of membership extended as a reward for technical achievement and appreciation for the best in music.
(3) To stimulate campus leadership and promulgate an uncompromising respect through the medium of the college band for gracious conduct, good taste and unswerving loyalty.
(4) To foster a close relationship between college bands and promote a high average of attainment by the performance of good music and selection of worthwhile projects.
(5) To provide a pleasant and helpful social experience for all engaged in college band work and to cooperate with other musical organizations in any manner consistent with the purposes of the institution at which chapters are located.
Fraternal Code of Conduct
Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi are looked to as role models and leaders by other members in the band and on campus. We can never know who is watching our actions or who will be affected by our deeds. It is therefore essential that we present positive qualities at all times. Being a Brother is not a part time commitment. As such, the example we set should shine constantly to inspire others. The following qualities define Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi. These qualities described Bohumil Makovsky, our Guiding Spirit. By following Boh’s example, we will teach and inspire others, as he taught and inspired our Founding Fathers.
Brothers should conduct themselves with honor at all times. Our service to college and university bands serves as an example to others. We should take pride in these accomplishments and not let anything tarnish our honorable reputation.
The character of our brotherhood is based upon the principles of decency and sincerity. Our impeccable integrity lets others know we can always be trusted to keep our word.
Respect for others is a cornerstone of Kappa Kappa Psi. Our diverse membership is an asset that cannot be taken for granted. Using this strength to our advantage requires respect for others and their points of view. In return, we earn the respect from others by treating them as equals.
Service to band programs and the Fraternity require people who are devoted to those organizations. Working together is the key to achieving our goals. Being loyal and dependable is therefore essential to our success.